Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Frugal Beauty: Fake a Biore Pore Strip Product (Baking Soda Nose Mask)

Here's how to make a cheap but effective blackhead-banishing product like Biore's Deep Cleansing Pore Strips (Bonus: it rids your nose of excess dirt and oil as well!).

1. Combine a small amount of water to some baking soda and swirl the ingredients together in a bowl or cup.
2. Mix together until your concoction takes on a creamy consistency (add more water or baking soda accordingly to the mixture).
3. Apply all around and on top of your nose just as you would with a pore strip using your fingers (or a cheap foundation brush to neatly coat the area). 
4. Let the concoction sit on your nose until it dries.
5. Once the baking soda has dried, use a warm, wet wash cloth to slowly wipe away the mixture from your nose.
6. Gently pat the area dry and add a small dab of oil-free facial moisturizer on and around your nose.
7. Admire your blackhead-free nose! Be Beautifully Blessed... XO ^_^ XO

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