Friday, October 10, 2014

Skincare Essentials Part 2 of 5: CLEANSE

Hey there, Beautiful! Here is the followup to my Pre-cleanse post from earlier this week. This is part two of a five part series about my personal skincare routine. I'll be doing an initial review of the doTerra products I've been using these past few weeks in posts to follow. I'll give my final review of them in an update when I actually run out of the product and have to buy more (or change to a different brand altogether...we shall see) ;)


Product Description (taken from the doterra consultant website):
With dōTERRA Facial Cleanser, CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils of melaleuca and peppermint gently cleanse, lifting away impurities and leaving your skin feeling clean, fresh, and smooth. Cruciferous vegetable extracts also work to inhibit skin irritation and reduce oxidative stress to skin cells.

Price: purchase from a doTerra representative ($22 retail) or on (for $8.05 + $9.50 shipping)

doTerra's Facial Cleanser is part of the doterra skincare line which is sold by one of the pioneering essential oil companies, doTerra International. The doTerra company uses plants and flowers, along with naturally sourced ingredients, to make their products--they have oils, vitamin supplements, skincare and everything in between. Their products are good for your skin and the environment...always a win-win :)

The doTerra facial cleanser has 4 ounces and smells like a tea tree oil and peppermint hybrid--and for good reason; melaleuca (tea tree oil) and peppermint are listed as two of the main ingredients. Here's a short history 101 of these two powerhouse plants: Melaleuca has been used for many years because of its antibacterial, antiseptic, and medicinal properties in countries like Australia and New Zealand. In fact, Australia has been the biggest exporter of tea tree oil since it was made commercially available in the 1920s. Peppermint, on the other hand, has been around for hundreds of years. It got its start in Europe and the Middle East. Peppermint has been a versatile and indispensable plant ever since; it's been revered for its many uses including medicinal, culinary, and in the field of aromatherapy. 

The combination of tea tree oil and peppermint in this product makes for an effective facial cleanser. The tea tree oil cleanses while the peppermint soothes and protects the skin. doTerra's facial cleanser washes away impurities and helps to brighten your complexion in one easy step; it's also gentle and all natural with a luxurious, creamy texture. It feels cool and refreshing on the skin--a great way to perk up in the morning!

Since I've been using it my face feels clean and comfortable, not tight and overly dry or stripped of my natural oils (which I attribute to its almost milky consistency). I only use a bit of this cleanser in small, circular motions and I find that it spreads easily and effectively on my skin without making a lot of lather (which could be a potential downside for those of you who love those squeaky-clean bubbles!). Long story short: it gets the job done :)

Ms. Makeup Maven's Yay, Nay, or Just Stay Away: a judicious yay. Since I have sensitive skin, my face tends to break out when I switch beauty products; doTerra's facial cleanser was no exception. I'm not sure whether that was just my abnormal skin acting like it "normally" does or if this product caused some minor pimples on my forehead. It might also be that hormonal imbalances and stress and are to blame (my husband was deployed by the military this week and I've relocated while he is away). Whatever the case, I advise you to try this out and don't give up on it right away if your face seems to react to this cleanser. Incidentally, you should try your best to give a new skincare product 30 days to work before deciding to chuck it completely. A week or two of using something new on your skin isn't enough time to demonstrate how well a product does or doesn't work. Like many things in life, you need to be patient and give it a fighting chance. So here's to cleaner, brighter, (and hopefully) younger-looking skin that's naturally beautiful to boot!

Be Beautifully Blessed...

XO ^_^ XO

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