Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Makeup Tip of the Day: The Eyes Have It (Perfectly Versatile Eyeliner Color)

Black eyeliner is timeless, ubiquitous, but at times a bit boring. Don't get me wrong, I love a dark black liner as much as the next Basic girl but sometimes I want to change things up; you know, put a modern spin on something classic. Enter SLATE GRAY eyeliner. It's not as harsh as black or as muted as brown so it's a perfect balance between the two colors. It is also a shade that can easily be adapted to fit your makeup needs. You can smudge it out on its own as a creamy eye shadow or layer it under your favorite shade of powdered eye shadow to change its texture and color...the possibilities are endless! 

Slate gray is a universally flattering eyeliner shade; this is great news because many of them are not. Universally flattering means it is very wearable--it enhances any eye color from the lightest to the darkest to everything in between. This eyeliner shade opens up your eyes and makes them look larger in a more natural way (compared to black liner). Black eyeliner has a tendency to make eyes look smaller if applied incorrectly to a particular eye shape. Slate gray, however, is practically fool-proof, regardless of your eye color or you can draw that line, thick or thin, with confidence! 

Have you tried a slate gray eyeliner yet? If so, what's your verdict?

I recommend this slate gray product for its staying power...I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ;)

Be Beautifully Blessed!

XO ^_^ XO

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